The Second Chance Thrift Shoppe of the Historic Downtown Village of Lemont, Illinois is one of my most favorite places to thrift. According to their facebook, Second Chance donates all proceeds toward the residential and vocational services for adults with developmental disabilities at the Garden Center Services facility. To me, this is incredible, considering their supply and turnover rate.
From the outside, Second Chance looks like a quaint little store; but step inside a moment or fourty and you’ve hit the best shoppe for thrifting that I’ve ever experienced in my life (and this is from someone who purchasedt her first banana yellow salsa skirt in Miami at sixteen, and still thought a Target-brand sweater was cool in Port Huron at twenty-seven; also, please don’t get me started on the notion that is Chicago city thrifting throughout the years).
It has recently become a tradition that my dear friend and shoppe volunteer. Vicky T. snaps a picture of me wearing one of my most recent outfits from the Second Chance. What you see here today are two such photos (Thank you Vicky)!
This week, I present just two pictures: one, my childhood-dream-come-true ensemble of appearing like Alice stepped through the Looking Glass to arrive into my very own Mangono: check out the full spread here:
Runyon Park | MI Mangono | Photography
The second photo should be accompanied by about eight more pictures, considering the haul my darling friend Sarah and I picked up yesterday before frequenting the Village Farmer’s Market.
Sarah is one of my most darling girl friends: her family and her soul are brilliant and beautiful. Don’t take my word for it though; check out her guest blog post here:
Go Grow with Me | Sarah Mech | Photography
If you ever find yourself in Lemont, Illinois, do travel off the beaten path and lose yourself in our Historic Downtown Village, I highly recommend visiting the Second Chance Thrift Shoppe. It is amazing, truly.
Have a lovely day, and happy thrifting!
Second Chance Thrift Shoppe
44 Stephen St
Lemont, Illinois 60439
Donation Accepted M-F 10:00am – 3:30 pm
Phone (630) 243-1279