Each author has his own creative springs. Friedrich Schiller needed a smell of rotten apples to write, Viktor Hugo needed no clothes on his body, Honore de Balzac needed strong coffee on an empty stomach. And Charlotte Bronte did not create without peeling potatoes.
Marina Tsvetaeva was inspired by people close to her heart and spirit, impressions, her own emotional cataclysms. The poetess advised beginners to remember not only a sigh, but also the movement of the lips, from the hugs of which he slipped.
Inspiration visits the curious, inquisitive, lazy. Dreamers and visionaries living with wide eyes. Those who care about everything. Who knows how not to watch, but to consider, not to hear, but to listen. To whom feelings are more valuable than reason. For whom the word is God, tears are a sign of life, joy is a component of the soul. Illumination does not come. Why? Not yet time. You have nothing to say to the world. Writing is not your destination.
Tip: go to the bookstore. The shelves, laden with volumes of modern authors and classics, which have not been outdated for 200 years, are perfectly sobering. Quench your ambitions, turn on common sense, ask yourself – am I worthy of this company?
If the soul does not burn, and tachycardia is just a medical diagnosis, maybe there is no point in waiting for inspiration?
Is it worth writing a book with complete peace of mind
Read manuals that are boring like spinach that you don’t know how to cook. That same case. A talented person will not keep himself within the framework of a plot built according to the laws of mathematics. And the heroes whose images are spelled out, as in the anatomy textbook, to the tips of the nails, will want to be sent on a long unlimited business trip. If you are not a robot, you will definitely want to exchange crackers for “fresh” from fantasies and verbal lace that leave a delicate aftertaste. To maintain a creative form, you need intense nutrition of the brain, heart, sensory organs, as well as an elusive substance called the soul. You can’t do without inspiration.

Top 10 Tips for Writers Awaiting Creative Upgrade
Read manuals that are boring like spinach that you don’t know how to cook. That same case. A talented person will not keep himself within the framework of a plot built according to the laws of mathematics. And the heroes whose images are spelled out, as in the anatomy textbook, to the tips of the nails, will want to be sent on a long unlimited business trip. If you are not a robot, you will definitely want to exchange crackers for “fresh” from fantasies and verbal lace that leave a delicate aftertaste.
To maintain a creative form, you need intense nutrition of the brain, heart, sensory organs, as well as an elusive substance called the soul. You can’t do without inspiration.
Top 10 Tips for Writers Awaiting Creative Upgrade
- Engage in “human studies” and other similar exercises. Pay attention to details, emotions, contexts of situations. This is not idle curiosity, but a gold reserve for future works.
- Read good literature, watch how the author treats the word, what turns make his thoughts. Save the best texts in your archive in order to be able to return to them in the future.
- Be interested in theater performances, movies, concerts and exhibitions worthy of attention. Another’s creation can be a powerful motivator for creating your own.
- Do not hesitate to write texts from the series “about nothing” and “for no one”. Time will not pass in vain. You will hone a pen, learn to work, unload your head from overwhelming thoughts. And inspiration will not take long.
- Read biographies of famous writers. Looking at the world through the eyes of Bunin and Pelevin, analyze what could make them pick up a blank sheet of paper.
- Wildlife – perfection and an inexhaustible source of inspiration. Even an ordinary fly, if it is a clot, can bring fame and love to fans.
- Before you “go out to the people,” arrange a day of silence or a week of solitude. The change of contrasts energizes and gives rise to new ideas.
- Constantly generate themes for your novels, weave storylines, create images of heroes, build dialogs. There will be a lot of rubbish, but “when you knew from what rubbish verses grow …”
- Drive yourself down, otherwise a flame will never ignite from a spark.
- Do not ask how the writer finds inspiration. Live so that it seeks you!